#!/usr/bin/env python3
Tools for Obtaining Data from the World Bank Group
# Modules #
import os
import re
import wbdata
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pkg_resources
from easymoney.support_money import DATA_PATH
[docs]class WorldBankParse(object):
| Tools to obtain indicator data from the World Bank's API.
:param value_true_name: replacement name for the generic 'value' column, e.g., 'value' to 'cpi'.
:type value_true_name: str
:param indicator: a indicator used by the World Bank's API, e.g., "FP.CPI.TOTL" for CPI.
:type indicator: str
def __init__(self, value_true_name, indicator):
Int the WorldBankParse() class.
self.indicator = indicator
self.raw_data = wbdata.get_data(indicator)
self.dict_keys = ['region', 'alpha2', 'indicator', value_true_name, 'year']
self.final_col_order = ['region', 'alpha2', 'alpha3', 'currency_code', 'indicator', value_true_name, 'year']
# Import Currency Code Database.
currency_df = pd.read_pickle(DATA_PATH + "/CurrencyCodes_DB.p")
# Import Country Codes Database
country_codes = pd.read_csv(DATA_PATH + "/CountryAlpha2_and_3.csv"
, encoding = "ISO-8859-1"
, keep_default_na = False)
# Alpha2 --> Alpha 3
self.alpha2_to_alpha3 = dict(zip(country_codes.Alpha2.tolist(), country_codes.Alpha3.tolist()))
# Alpha2 --> Currency Code
self.alpha2_to_currency_code = dict.fromkeys(set([i for sublist in currency_df.Alpha2.tolist() for i in sublist]))
for i in zip(currency_df.Alpha2.tolist(), currency_df.CurrencyCode.tolist()):
for j in i[0]:
if self.alpha2_to_currency_code[j] == None:
self.alpha2_to_currency_code[j] = i[1]
def _wb_rowwise_extractor(self, wb_row):
*Private Method*
Extracts desired (see return) row information from the raw World Bank download.
:param wb_row: a row of the raw World Bank Data (as a dataframe).
:type wb_row: dict
:return: dict with keys: region, region_id, indicator, cpi, year
:rtype: dict
# dict with empty keys
extracted_data_dict = dict.fromkeys(self.dict_keys)
# Populate extracted_data_dict
extracted_data_dict[self.dict_keys[0]] = wb_row['country']['value']
extracted_data_dict[self.dict_keys[1]] = wb_row['country']['id']
extracted_data_dict[self.dict_keys[2]] = wb_row['indicator']['value']
extracted_data_dict[self.dict_keys[3]] = wb_row['value']
extracted_data_dict[self.dict_keys[4]] = wb_row['date']
return extracted_data_dict
def _titler(self, data_frame, to_title):
*Private Method*
Titles entries in the column of a pandas dataframe.
Includes some error handling.
:param to_title: a list of columns to apply the following string operations: ``column.lower().title()``
:type to_title: list
:param data_frame: a dataframe with columns to be titled.
:type data_frame: Pandas DataFrame
:return: DataFrame with the requested indicator information.
:rtype: Pandas DataFrame
df_cols = data_frame.columns.tolist()
for t in to_title:
if t not in df_cols:
raise ValueError("%s is not a column in the %s indicator data set.\n"
"Perhaps you meant one of these: %s." % (t, indicator, ", ".join(df_cols)))
if any(x in str(data_frame[t].dtype) for x in ['float', 'int']):
raise ValueError("Cannot Title this column; %s is a numeric." % (t))
data_frame[t] = data_frame[t].astype(str).map(lambda x: x.lower().title())
raise TypeError("Cannot convert the column '%s' to a str" % (t))
return data_frame
[docs] def world_bank_pull(self, to_title = None):
Parse the information pulled from the world bank's API.
:param to_title: a list of column to title. Defaults to None.
:return: DataFrame with the requested indicator information.
:rtype: Pandas Dataframe
if to_title != None and not isinstance(to_title, list):
raise ValueError("title must be a list of column names (strings).")
# Generate a list populated with dicts for each row of the raw data
dictionaries = [self._wb_rowwise_extractor(w) for w in self.raw_data]
# Merge by key
merged_dict = {k: [x[k] for x in dictionaries] for k in dictionaries[0]}
# Merge into a single data frame
data_frame = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(merged_dict)
# Title desired columns
if to_title != None: data_frame = self._titler(data_frame, to_title)
# Get Alpha3 from Alpha2
data_frame['alpha3'] = data_frame['alpha2'].replace(self.alpha2_to_alpha3, inplace = False)
# Replace failures to Match for Alpha3s with NaNs
data_frame['alpha3'][data_frame['alpha2'] == data_frame['alpha3']] = np.NaN
# Get Currency Code from Alpha2
data_frame['currency_code'] = data_frame['alpha2'].replace(self.alpha2_to_currency_code, inplace = False)
# Replace failures to Match for Currency Codes with NaNs
data_frame['currency_code'][data_frame['alpha2'] == data_frame['currency_code']] = np.NaN
# Reorder and Return
return data_frame[self.final_col_order]
[docs]def world_bank_pull_wrapper(value_true_name, indicator, na_drop_col = None):
Wrapper for the ``WorldBankParse().world_bank_pull()`` method.
Extracts world bank information based on a specific indicator and returns a Pandas DataFrame.
:param value_true_name: replacement name for the generic 'value' column, e.g., 'value' to 'cpi'.
:type value_true_name: str
:param indicator: a indicator used by the World Bank's API, e.g., "FP.CPI.TOTL" for CPI.
:type indicator: str
:param na_drop_col: list of columns (str) to drop from the final dataframe.
:type na_drop_col: list
:return: DataFrame with the requested indicator information.
:rtype: Pandas DateFrame
data_frame = WorldBankParse(value_true_name, indicator).world_bank_pull()
data_frame = data_frame[data_frame[value_true_name].astype(str) != 'None']
data_frame.index = range(data_frame.shape[0])
# Drop NaNs in Columns
if na_drop_col != None:
for col in na_drop_col:
data_frame.drop(col, axis = 1, inplace = True)
return data_frame